11 Thoughts That Will Help You Lose Weight

Thought 1

Old Thought: "Once I lose five kilos, I'll be able to quit this nightmare diet."

Switch to: "The only way I will lose weight permanently is by changing the way I eat, not by crash dieting."

Here's how: A funny thing tends to happen when you finally finish that super-restrictive fad diet - not only do you never want to come within a five-kilometer radius of cabbage soup again, you also find that the weight you struggled to lose comes back again. Why? Because you haven't changed your regular eating habits, which are what made you overweight int he first place.

Instead of crash dieting, look at your usual diet and eliminate bad habits. Most extreme diets are too low in energy, the food tastes awful and the results are temporary. Usually what causes excess weight are poor quality, highly processed foods and unconscious eating - when you eat on the run, miss meals and just grab food throughout the day.

I hope that you are doing well! Just wanted to tell you about this cool new video that I just watched from my new friend and respected colleague, Dr Charles. In it, he reveals a very unusual tip for a flatter belly in just 3 to 10 days. I watched it, thought it was brilliant, and figured you might find it very helpful too.
I hope that this was short and sweet enough for ya. Have an amazing day!!
. This probably sounds familiar to those of us who spend 12-hour days in the office trying to keep up with project deadlines.

You don't have to live on mung beans and green tea either - there are loads of delicious healthy recipes out there. Stop thinking that weight loss is about misery and deprivation. Once you revert to a healthy, well-planned and well-balanced diet, you will feel so good that the desire to eat poor quality food will be diminished.

Thought 2

Old thought: "After that hard-core workout, I deserve a double cheeseburger."

Switch to: "After busting my butt at the gym, I'll spoil myself in a food-free way."

Here's how: After your third spin class in a week, it's easy to justify indulging in a burger. But if you want to slim down, you need to rethink your concept of a reward. An intense 60-minute workout will burn close to 2000 kJ. But one kilo of fat is the equivalent to approximately 32 000 kJ of energy, so exercising without regulating food intake will not result in weight loss. When you consider that one cheeseburger contains 1300 kJ, eating it after the gym doesn't seem so rewarding.

Treat yourself to a mani instead.

Don't dare looking at these!!

Don't dare looking at these!!

Thought 3

Old thought: "If I bought it at a health food store, it must be good for me, right?"

Switch to: "Just because it's labelled healthy, it doesn't mean I can eat a truckload of it."

Here's how: When you buy something from a health food store, it doesn't necessarily mean it's low in kilojoules, or low in fat and sugar. Even though the packaging has tbe word 'healthy' written on it or it comes from a place that is supposedly healthy, you still need to look at the nutrition panel and check that it has a reasonable kilojoule load.

It's so easy to fall into the trap of eating more of something because you tell yourself it's healthy and thereforehmless. If you are in doubt, always go for fresh fruit and vegetables over anything else, even if the food item does come from a health store.

Get Help From Professionals!

BodySlimDown.com is the place to be if you are really, really serious about losing weight! There you will find tips and resources to accompany you during your weight loss journey! Work-outs, product reviews, and help from others who want to lose weight...you will find it all!

Thought 4

Old thought: "What's the point of losing weight no since I'm no longer planning to holiday at the beach?"

Switch to: "Healthy eating and exercise now will help me achieve my goals faster."

Here's how: When you procrastinate about joining the gym, or tell yourself there's no point trying to lose weight now that your bikini is going to the back of the closet, remember that you are creating more work for when you do eventually get around to it.

Thought 5

Old thought: "I'll grab a chocolate bar or pack of crisps to get through the afternoon slump."

Switch to: "When I need energy, I'll have a healthy snack that will last the distance."

Here's how: If you find you need a pick-me-up in the afternoon, you are probably not fueling yourself well enough throughout the day. Choose a lunch based on salad vegetables, lean proteins (such as meat, tuna or cheese) and wholegrain carbohydrates. And star eating fruits, nuts, yoghurt or hummus as snack foods.

Think more along these lines!!

Think more along these lines!!

Thought 6

Old thought: "I was naughty and ordered a schnitzel, so I may as well get a large serving of fries to go with it."

Switch to: "I'm already indulging in schnitzel, so I will swap the fries for a salad."

Here's how: When you have a blow-out, it is ridiculously easy to get sucked into a "What the hell, I've already ruined my diet, I may as well go crazy" mentality, and indulge in more food than you need. But this is exactly when you should stick to the "one treat at a time" rule, because it'll be easier to get back on the good food track.

If you feel like indulging occasionally, that's fine. Just watch the add-ons, such as chips, soft drinks and desserts, as they can double your fat, sugar and kilo joule intake. If you fall off the wagon, get straight back on at the next snack or meal by eating something healthy, so that your goal of weight loss and good health is achieved faster.

Slimming Debate

Do you prefer hard diets? Or just healthy eating for a slimmer you?

I prefer strict regimes.

Short_n_Sweet says:

Well that's not long term! You should start changing habits TigerEyes!!

_Tiger_Eyes_ says:

I'd go for hard diets! Eat all you want whenever you want, and start a strict regime to lose weight when the time comes...like for a wedding party for instance!

Short_n_Sweet says:

Their results don't usually last long Vspa! Maybe I'll be able to change your mind:-)

VspaBotanicals says:

I prefer hard diets

Short_n_Sweet says:

I hope too Aralyne!

Healthy eating is so much better.

dyharris says:

I prefer healthy eating over a lifetime to hard diets.

Short_n_Sweet says:

Hey there's loads of tasty, delicious foods that are not harmful to your health!

Marie says:

I prefer healthy living...but they just don't work for me! I love junk food too much!

Short_n_Sweet says:

So well said JohnVolk! I'm totally with you!

Short_n_Sweet says:

Portion control as part of a healthy lifestyle is surely important Alice!

view all 28 comments

Thought 7

Old Thought: "My skinny friends order second rounds of nachos. Why can't I?"

Switch to: "I need to eat the right amount of food for my body."

Here's how: There's nothing worse than sitting with an empty plate while your size-six friends hoover up another helping. But just because they can get away with it, it doesn't mean you can, too. When it comes to metabolism, our levels of daily activity, age and other factors affect our energy requirements, so it's pointless comparing yourself to others. Rather than envy your friends, congratulate yourself on showing restraint.

Eat according to size!

Thought 8

Old thought: "I don't understand why I weigh so much when all I eat is salad."

Switch to: "If a salad is heaped with fatty ingredients, it can have more kilo joules than lasagna."

Here's how: If you are one of those people who doesn't consider a salad worth eating unless it's loaded with yummy extras and drenched in creamy dressing, it's time for a reality check. Just because there's lettuce and tomato nestled among all the other stuff, it doesn't cancel out the fact that your salad now resembles a heart attack on a plate.

Salad vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and anti-oxidants, which are all important for good health. But beware of extras, such as croutons (which are usually deep-fried), fatty meats, such as bacon or processed meat, high-fat cheese and salad dressings, which all add fat and kilo joules. Ask to have the dressing on the side and opt for salads with lean protein (chicken, turkey or kidney beans). And lots of vegetables for a truly healthy meal.

Watch what you eat...

Watch what you eat...

If you spot someone using their mobile phone to snap photos of their lunch, don't be alarmed. It's an idea being touted by dietitians and nutritionists to replace the tedious "write it down" food diary. Recording everything you eat is an effective way to curb bad diet habits. Simply take a shot of every meal or snacks as you go and review the pictures later.

Dietitians from the American Health Journal say there are benefits in taking photos of your meal, it sort of forces you to stop and consider what you're consuming. A qualified dietitian or nutritionist would be able to analyse your diet and give you feedback on type of meals you should be having or at least give you a diet to follow.

Thought 9

Old thought: "That pizza smells so damn fine; I swear I'll only have one slice!"

Switch to: "I might not be able to stop at one slice, so I should have something else."

Here's how: Instead of thinking of what you want to eat now, think how you will feel afterwards. When considering the food you are tempted to eat, think about how it will feel when it's sitting in your stomach 30 minutes later. This may help make you realize it's not the bast option and change your mind.

Don't find excuses for your bad habits!

Don't find excuses for your bad habits!

Thought 10

Old thought: "Let's meet for drinks."

Switch to: "Let's go for a walk in the park/along the beach."

Here's how: It's funny how something as innocent as meeting up for a drink has a nasty way of turning into snacks, then dinner, plus a late-night roti-canai. You might start off thinking you'll just have one drink, but once food becomes involved, you can easily end up consuming half your day's energy in one swoop. Try eating something before you go out, or leave the bar, get something substantial, then go back. It's also good to look for other options, like meeting for rock climbing! If you really can't live without having a drink, then go for a stroll later to burn it off.

Thought 11

Old thought: "My crap day won't seem as horrible after I have a Magnum."

Switch to: "Using ice cream to make me feel better now will probably make me feel more guilty and miserable later."

Here's how: Try waiting five minutes to see if the need to console yourself with food abates. Delaying the food splurge gives you time to think about the situation. You may find you are able to delay it longer and longer until the urge passes.

Still want to pig out? Opt for foods that boost your feel-good serotonin levels instead, such as bananas.

This Lens has been BLESSED!

Thanks for all the blessings!
  • kiwinana71


  • flinnie


  • rodaussie


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