How To Lose Weight the Easy Way

So what's this diet?

Now, I wouldn't be telling you about this if it wasn't working for me so well. But it is. So I want to share it with you to let people know that it does actually work - big time!

Basically, it is the boring old counting calories.

This may seem tiresome and boring, but there are several websites where you can type in what you've ate and it will work out your calorie intake for you.

So how does the counting calories work?

(It's actually quite clever!)

Well, everybody has a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) which is calculated depending on your gender, height, age and weight. Your RMR is the amount of calories that you will burn just sat down doing nothing all day long. It is usually at least 1,000 calories.

Sooo...if you eat LESS than you RMR, that means that you will be burning more calories than you are eating, and therefore you will be burning the calories of the food that you are eating, and extra calories, meaning that the excess fat will start to drop off!

To find out your RMR, Calculate your Resting Metabolic Rate here.

Now, the next thing you need to know is that you need to burn 3,500 calories to lose a pound. So, if you find your RMR and then TAKE AWAY 500 calories per day, within one week, you should technically have lost 1 pound.

To put it simply, let me give you an example:

RMR = 1900 (person burns 1900 calories per day without moving at all)
Person takes away 500 calories from their RMR: 1900 - 500 = 1400 calories
Person eats no more than 1400 calories per day for a week
Person has burned 1900 calories per day, while only eating 1400 of those calories
Person therefore has created DEFICIT of 500 calories a day for 7 days = 3500 calories burned in a week
3500 calories burned = 1 pound lost!

So what about exercising?

Yes, it's a good idea!

Yes, you can lose weight WITHOUT exercising. But it really is a good idea to exercise. If you exercise, you can become a HEALTHY, FIT, slim person, rather than just becoming an unfit, slim person.

To get the maximum benefits from your dieting, try and do at least 30 minutes exercise a day, three days a week. It really will pay off.

Exercising can be fun, and apart from helping you lose weight, it has loads of other benefits, including helping to improve asthma, preventing heart disease and other heart problems, exercising your muscles (obviously) and getting you outside for some luverly fresh air!

See below for my list of interesting and exciting ways to exercise!

My top tips to maximise your potential weight loss!

Oh yeah!

  • Start the day with a good breakfast. This will kick-start your metabolism and you will burn calories throughout the day more effectively.
  • Add in little things to get you moving more. For example, if you have a downstairs toilet, walk up the stairs instead to use the bathroom. If you usually take the lift at work, walk up the stairs instead. Get off the bus at the bus stop before your usual one, and walk that little extra way. It'll all add up in the end!
  • Drink lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and...yeah, you get the point.
    I hope that you are doing well! Just wanted to tell you about this cool new video that I just watched from my new friend and respected colleague, Dr Charles. In it, he reveals a very unusual tip for a flatter belly in just 3 to 10 days. I watched it, thought it was brilliant, and figured you might find it very helpful too.
    I hope that this was short and sweet enough for ya. Have an amazing day!!
    . But don't just drink anything! Drink WATER!! Trust me, it does absolute wonders! Apart from helping you lose weight, it also cleans out your kidneys, keeps you hydrated, and cleanses your skin!
  • Eat fruit when you feel hungry. Yeah, don't grab the chocolate, grab those grapes!
  • If you're bored, you'll probably eat. So don't let yourself get bored! Keep yourself active, start a new hobby!
  • Find a friend so you can motivate each other. Real life friend, or internet friend...just get that MOTIVATION going!
  • When you go shopping, don't be tempted to stock up on the crisps, the chips, the chocolate, the cakes, the sweets, the toffees, the fizzy drinks, the alcohol...go down the fruit and veg aisle instead! If you don't buy it, there's no way you can eat it at home!

Have fun while exercising!

Make it interesting!

  • Find a friend to exercise with; go for walks, jogs, gym...
  • Get a gym membership; meet new people in the same boat as you
  • Walk the dog! Ok, not everyone has a dog, but you could get one? If you're not prepared for that, why not offer to walk the neighbours dog?
  • Get a Wii Fit!
  • Get some Fitness Training eBooks!
  • Dance in your living room! Seriously!
  • Go for a nice country walk
  • Go for a walk or jog and listen to your favourite music
  • Do some gardening. Yes, it's exercising!
  • Play with the kids! That'll soon wear you out!
  • Tidy the house! I know it isn't exactly fun and exciting, but you get a clean house AND you burn some calories!
  • Yoga? If you've never done it, then give it a go!
  • Join an exercise class! Zumba or Pilates are good ones.

What's your favourite form of exercise?

I prefer cardio; running, swimming...

nabiha says:

i say treadmill is the best way of losing weight for your hole body

Sarah C. says:

I really like getting exercise out of sports. There are lots of fun sports out there and most of them are really fun, and you get the exercise along with it.

alison says:


Natalie says:

Of course diet and exercise are important, but I've always had a good workout regimen and healthy diet (personally I do a combination of cardio, crossfit, weight training, and yoga). I didn't know why I wasn't losing weight until I saw a study about people SITTING too much! Duh! I work as a writer, so when I am not working out, I am sitting down at a computer. (Or was anyway.)
I made the switch to an adjustable height desk about 4 months ago and the difference has been HUGE. Not only have I lost weight, but I feel healthier, more energetic, and my posture has even improved.
If you haven't looked into it already, I recommend NextDesk. It's adjustable in height, so you just push a button and it moves quietly to whatever height you'd like-- standing or sitting-- and besides, it just looks cool.
Their site is Check out the Terra-- that's the one I use.
Thanks for the post!

karen says:


I prefer weight training

lbos114 says:

I am pretty thin as it is, is so I don't need to lose weight but I should work on my cardio

FitnessTom says:

My favorite is to lift weights. Second favorite is to play sports. There is no doubt, however, that an anaerobic workout is most effective, which is why i do it 2x/wk

elaine humphreys says:

walking and swimming

view all 21 comments

Why starving yourself will NOT work

(Trust me, it won't)

Lots of people think that starving themselves will cause the weight to drop off them. In all reality, over time, the weight WILL start dropping off them. But is it really a healthy and easy way to go about losing weight?

The top and bottom of it is simply this: If you don't eat, you metabolism will slow down, meaning that your body won't be burning fat as quickly as if you were eating.

Think that's strange?

Well, listen to this. Your body will go into starvation mode, where it will just start to store the fat in your body for as long as possible.
(That's understandable really, because, for all your body knows, you could be starving on a desert island, so it's not going to be burning up all your fat at top speed.)

Obviously, sooner or later, you will start losing weight, but you will also start getting weaker, and lacking in energy. I know, I've done it before. Bad idea.

So, I suppose the point I'm trying to make is this: Just don't try starving yourself. It's not a healthy way to lose weight and it isn't really all that effective in making you a healthy person either.

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