The Best Way To Burn Excess Fat And Loose Weight Fast

The Secret Weight Loss Diet

An on-line diet generator now makes weight loss easy and fun. You simply choose the foods you want to eat, and the menu is automatically created for you. It is a new way to approach an age ole problem and if you go to The Secret Weight Loss Diet they even offer a guarantee that you will lose weight.

"The Diet Generator creates an 11 Day Menu which is far different from what you've ever seen before," According to the experts at: The Secret Weight Loss Diet. The secret is to cause your body to release the correct amount of fat burning hormones after each meal. The generator automatically computes everything for you in just seconds, and it gives you the right daily menu each day so that you don't have to calculate anything while shifting your calories to create weight loss.

Your body metabolism doesn't have any idea how much food you are going to eat tomorrow or the next day. It can't see into the future. Therefore, your body always burns calories based on your diet over the past few days. It's assuming that you will continue to eat in the same way that you have been. The generated diet takes advantage of this in order to trigger easy and fast weight loss. By shifting the type of calories you eat, your metabolism is set high and able to burn those
unwanted calories.

For more information visit: The Secret Weight Loss Diet

The journey of a thousand pounds begins with a single burger.

The journey of a thousand pounds begins with a single burger.

The Basic Rules of Successful Body Fat Loss

Many more free tips on the best way to burn fat free from loose weight using the most effective fat reducing methods.

If you are setting out to loose weight and burn fat, then you should follow a regime that combines both a sensible exercise program, and balanced diet. It should be a permanent change of lifestyle and not a short term change to loose weight. Not affecting long term change or embarking on a nutritionally suspect fad diet may see you loose weight initially, but can ultimately lead to weight gain. This is because as soon as your diet stops, and you return to your normal eating pattern and lack of exercise, your body will tend to enter famine mode and start to store more fat to prepare for the next diet phase. These short term unhealthy changes to diet and exercise levels lead to a yo-yo up and down weight loss weight gain cycle, that not only leaves you heavier, but can also seriously damages your health.

Your food intake should aim to be a healthy balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders, and constantly burning fat.

Complex carbohydrates (whole grains, breads, cereals, etc.) are vital to maintaining your energy throughout the day, and do a host of other things within your body, including keeping you feeling full. We can also lump fruits in with complex carbohydrates, because of their high fiber content and slow absorption into the blood stream. This also keeps our insulin level in check, which is important for less fat storage, and a higher chance of burning stored fat.

Simple carbohydrates, or sugars (sweets, carbonated soft drinks, white processed baked goods, etc.) are best avoided or at the very least kept to a minimum. They provide little nutritional value to you and are just empty calories. These types of food are going to end up in your fat stores if you're not careful about how much you ingest.

Avoid long periods of moderate exercise, such as long aerobic workouts, as this burns fat which when exercise stops your body tries to replace. Much better to do intensive 15 to 20 minute exercise workouts, as hard exercise makes the body burn carbohydrates instead of fat during the workout, and will cause your body to use its fat stores to replenish the burned carbohydrates over the next 24 hours, after the workout is done. This type of work will also increase your reserve capacity, and thus your ability to handle all types of stress, leading to lasting health and fitness, and 24/7 fat burning.

Following these simple rules and avoiding fad diets, concentrating more on lifestyle change. Will lead you to successful weight loss, reduced body fat storage, and improving health.

Stay Healthy, Live Longer - Take control of your cholesterol levels!

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High cholesterol levels have been linked to coronary heart disease (CHD) in many studies. Having high LDL (bad) cholesterol levels puts you at risk of CHD. So, what affects your LDL cholesterol levels? There are many factors that determine this level and we will outline the main ones below:

Heredity - Unfortunately, a high rate of LDL cholesterol production in your body can be inherited through family history. We do not have power control over our genes, unfortunately, but the next factors are in our control.

Diet - Diet plays the biggest role in cholesterol levels. The two largest contributors to high LDL cholesterol levels in our diets are saturated fats and cholesterol. Both of these fats are most common in animal products. Saturated fat is the greatest factor affecting cholesterol levels in North America! Eating right is a very important step that must be taken in order to lower LDL cholesterol levels.

Weight - Having excess body fat tends to raise LDL cholesterol levels. Losing weight will lower your LDL cholesterol levels and tri-glycerides, and increase HDL (good) cholesterol.

Physical Exercise - Physical exercise may actually lower LDL and raise HDL cholesterol levels!

Stress - Some studies showed that high stress levels and cholesterol levels may be in fact related. The most common link between the two is eating habits of people under stress compared to when they are not under stress. People tend to eat more 'bad' foods under stress.

Alcohol - Although alcohol increases HDL (good) cholesterol levels, it does not decrease LDL levels. Drinking alcohol moderately may prove beneficial, however, over-consumption will result in more damage than good. Alcohol should NOT be used to help reduce heart disease.

Turn Your Body Into A Fat Burning Inferno

Staying Motivated

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In this post we focus on the issue of Staying Motivated while involved in a fitness lifestyle!

One way to stay motivated is to constantly remind yourself that a worth-while pay-off lies ahead; a new, healthy, strong you is emerging. Effective, consistent exercise will not only improve your overall health and fitness, but will also improve your appearance, energy level, and social interactions. Also, look forward to the many psychological benefits as well: confidence, self-esteem, and relief from depression, anxiety and stress.

If you are serious about your health and well-being, you will take action and begin an exercise program, and you will benefit in all these ways. Once you see the results, you will become even more motivated. You will soon discover that action creates motivation!

Goal setting is another great way of staying motivated. These Goals will focus your workout program and make clear what you are trying to achieve. As you promptly attain each goal, you will gain encouragement and thus further motivation. Here is how to achieve the goals you set and obtain the results you deserve.

1. Make sure your goals are measurable. A vague goal, such as "I want to be fit," gives you nothing to shoot for. Decide when and what you are going to achieve, such as "I want to lose 2 percent of my body fat by August 1st."
2. Be realistic. Make sure your goals are attainable. If you set your expectations too high, you will get frustrated and will be more likely to quit. Make sure, however, that your goals are not too easy; they should be challenging. When you achieve a challenging goal, your pride and satisfaction will create more motivation.
3. Set short-term goals as stepping stones to your long-term goals.

Another way of assuring that you stay motivated is to make exercise fun. If you perceive your workout as a chore, you more than likely will not stick with it. Here are some techniques for making your workout something to look forward to.

1. Add Variety. If your exercise routine is getting tedious and boring add variety.
2. Include Friends and Family. Training with a workout partner not only makes your training session more fun, safe, and intense, but will also increase the likelihood of your showing up at the gym. Make sure you pick a partner whose goals and interests are similar to yours and who is willing motivate you to do your best.
3. Fight Discouragement. If once in a long while you blow off a workout because you choose to go out with friends, just accept and enjoy your choice; do not feel guilty. Otherwise, the sense of failure can make it harder to get yourself back on track. Focus on how much progress you have made so far, not on how far you have to go.
4. Expect and Prepare for Plateaus. If you feel you have reached a plateau and or are bored, do not give up; this is a natural part of working out. Make sure to vary the exercises, sets, repetitions and order of your workout; continually search for new ways of making your routine fun and exciting.
5. Schedule your Workout. If you always exercise on the same days at the same time, your routine will become a fixture in your life, not a whim. Not going to the gym will feel unnatural.

Including exercise into your busy schedule will be an adjustment, and staying motivated will be equally challenging. Change is difficult for many people. However, if you have the willingness to work through the initial emotional discomfort as you move step by step through a safe and effective program, you will find the confidence, commitment and determination that will ease the way. When you begin achieving great results, the excitement and fun you experience will make the change well worth the effort. Good Luck!

Get more information and pick up many more tips and tricks at

The Fat Burning Inferno Blog

How to Beat Late-night Snacking

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A Major problem for many of us when trying to loose weight, and burn fat, is how to deal with late-night snacking.

Do you find that eating the right foods and exercising just falls into place for you during the day, but as soon as the clock strikes 9.30pm you are raiding the cupboards for your late night "munchies" fix?

For most folks this time of the night is when you finally get the opportunity to put your feet up and relax - you are relieved to be able to just have some "time out" from the stresses at work, home, family and study. However enjoyable this time-out may be it can have it's downfalls.

So how do you know when your late night snacking is becoming out of control?......

When you have got to the point where you can't sit down and watch tv without having food, of any kind, to help you enjoy your favorite tv show? But don't worry because if this sounds like you then you are not alone.

I can tell you now, though, that if you are battling with your efforts to get into shape that continual late night snacking will absolutely trash your chances of reaching your training goals.

So if you're keen to beat this habit then read through the following steps to help you nip late night snacking in the bud!

1. If you include weight training in your health and fitness program then have a protein shake, rather than pulling out a bag of crisps. Believe me, once you have swallowed a glass full of this you won't feel like eating a thing. On top of this you will be helping your muscles repair while you are sleeping, thus increasing your muscle tone, and improving your metabolism.

2. Eat more food during the day! Often when you late night snack you feel too sick in the morning to eat breakfast because you are still feeling full. Remember you should be aiming at around 5-6 smaller meals per day. By eating regularly throughout the day you won't be so eager to tear the pantry doors off after everyone has gone to bed.

3. Is there something else you could be doing while watching tv. Make a list of things that need completing that you could be doing at the same time to take your mind off eating. I train while I am watching tv, and so do quite a few other people that I know, not just because we are short for time, but to help prevent late night snacking.

4. Do you really need to be watching tv? If you know that doing this is the only thing that is blocking your way of reaching your health and fitness goals why keep doing it every night. Find a hobby, take up an activity of some kind. Keep the tv watching to a minimum.

5. Don't buy junk food. As you know chips, dips and confectionery don't just "appear" magically in your food cupboard. The only reason you are snacking on junk is because you made the choice to purchase the junk food and put it in your pantry. If it's not there you won't eat it will you?

6. If you occasionally want a snack why not eat low fat snacks instead. Just remember though that even if the snacks are low fat - they may be loaded full of salt!

7. Make the effort to break the cycle! It's up to you to take action and the make the decision to do something about your late night snack habits. Remember habits can be broken and replaced with new habits. And to create a healthy habit you just need to stick to, and repeat, your new plan until it becomes "routine'. Once you see the difference it makes to your health and fitness results, not only will this help motivate you to continue, but you'll be kicking yourself that you hadn't done this earlier.

Start "breaking" the late night snack cycle today!

There Is No Substitute For A Balanced Diet

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Avoiding certain types of fats and sugars may not be beneficial. People tend to avoid food they perceive is unhealthy, but avoiding some food could cause an unhealthy diet. There are unsaturated fats that help lower blood cholesterol, but should still be limited, almost anything in moderation is okay and may actually benefit you. But the key term is "moderation."

The American Heart Association suggests that quick-weight-loss diets can emphasize one particular food or type of food. These diets violate the first principle of good nutrition. Eating a balanced diet should always be the priority.This rule of thumb applies to everyone, regardless of whether they resort to fad diets or not. People should never avoid or eliminate one food group completely, unless it is absolutely hazardous to their health, because being unbalanced is simply not good nutrition.

Keeping track of what you eat is essential to maintain good nutrition. But if you're unaware of why you avoid something, it is likely you may not reach the intended goal. Simple solutions to this are knowledge and goal strategies. Those concerned with what they are eating should set a goal and then become informed on healthy ways to obtain it. Always be aware of why you're avoiding any type of food

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Two Magical Substances That Allow You To Burn Fat Faster & Create Lasting Health

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In all of my experimentation and research on the subject of nutrition for fast fat burning, health and fitness over the last 10+ years, I've discovered 2 magical substances that can have a dramatic effect on whether or not you burn body fat and keep it off, or hang on to it like a security blanket. These substances, in fact, have been around since the beginning of time and I'm surprised more people don't value their importance like they should. What are these magical agents of fat burning wizardry? Water and Fiber. Let me explain why.

Everyone has heard that water is important for health, but even still, most people don't drink enough water. Water is also vital to your fat burning efforts and maintaining a lean body. After all, our bodies are about 65-70% water. Water also keeps you from snacking on unhealthy sugary foods and sugar laden soft drinks, as many times when we feel we are hungry, we are actually just dehydrated. We need water in our bodies more than we need food. The body can survive for much longer without food that without water. Water is like the oil in the engines of our cars. It is involved in almost every process the body goes through, from digestion to nutrient absorption. It also keeps your energy level up as it prevents dehydration.

Now, this is very important dehydration will totally kill your chances of burning fat, because the body interprets this as a state of shock. It shifts its focus on getting water and stops doing other things, like burning body fat for energy. And here's even more helpful info about the power of water. Try this little trick to burn even more calories try and drink most if not all of your water in ice cold form. First of all, it typically tastes better ice cold, and every time you drink an ounce of ice cold water, your body must burn about a calorie in the process of warming the water to your current body temperature. Now, you can use this to your advantage to burn even more calories each day. Keep your water intake to 100 ounces per day, and you'll burn an extra 100 calories and burn more fat! How cool is that!

Also, add some lemon to your water this will have positive effects in helping cleanse your liver. And this brings up another key to fat loss the body needs to be working efficiently if you want to burn fat fast if your organs, especially the kidneys and liver, are working together in high efficiency, you will find it easier to burn fat! So keeping yourself hydrated will keep your kidneys operating at a good clip, and your liver will be allowed to do its job of metabolizing stored fat for energy.

The other magical substance is Fiber. Fiber slows digestion and makes you feel fuller. This is so important in burning fat and reducing cravings, especially for foods loaded with sugar, and how many calories you end up eating throughout the day, which leads to fat loss. Great sources of fiber include various whole grain products, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and beans. These, by the way, are foods that are also rich in other nutrients your body craves naturally surprise surprise! Processed foods, however, are poor sources of fiber. White flour products including regular pasta is in this category. Also, watch out for high fiber cereals as many of these are also high in sugar. On top of the fat burning benefits, fiber has been linked to the prevention of various conditions including heart disease, diabetes and cancer. That's a one-two health punch to be reckoned with!

So I urge you to put water and fiber at the top of your list of things to put in your body. If you combine that focus with a diet of nutrient rich foods and a properly conducted resistance exercise program, you'll be on your way to burning more fat faster, and maximizing your genetic potential for a lean, strong, and healthy body.
I hope that you are doing well! Just wanted to tell you about this cool new video that I just watched from my new friend and respected colleague, Dr Charles. In it, he reveals a very unusual tip for a flatter belly in just 3 to 10 days. I watched it, thought it was brilliant, and figured you might find it very helpful too.
I hope that this was short and sweet enough for ya. Have an amazing day!!
. My Fat Burning Furnace students are already doing this, and are enjoying all the rewards this lifestyle brings. Now, it's your turn to get the most you can out of life and burn fat faster than you might have thought possible.

Claim your free copy of Rob Poulos's "7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss & Fitness" at his website

The Best 137 Fat Burning Super Foods

Fat burning foods contain what are called reverse calories. When mixed with fattening foods, fat burning foods make fatty foods less calorific by destroying their fat before it is stored in the body. Eating greater amounts of fat burning foods can make you thin without starving yourself.

For more Fat Burning Information,Claim your free copy of Rob Poulos's "7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss & Fitness" at his website:

Here is a list of fat-burning foods:

* apples
* kumquats
* apricots
* lemons
* raspberries/blackberries/loganberries
* blueberries
* strawberries
* limes
* tangerines
* cantaloupe
* mangoes
* watermelon
* cherries
* muskmelons
* cranberries
* nectarines
* currants
* oranges
* damson plum
* papaya
* fruit salad (fresh or canned)
* peaches
* grapefruit
* pears
* grapes
* pineapple
* honeydew
* pomegranates
* prunes

* artichokes
* corn on the cob
* parsnips
* asparagus (boiled)
* green beans
* cucumbers
* peas
* string beans
* dandelion
* peppers (green, red)
* greens/mustard greens
* beets/beet greens
* dill pickles/pickles
* eggplant
* broccoli
* endive
* Brussel sprouts
* garlic
* pumpkin
* cabbage
* kale
* radishes
* Chinese kohlrabi
* red cabbage/cabbage
* carrots
* leeks
* rhubarb
* cauliflower
* lettuce
* rutabagas
* celeriac
* mushrooms
* sauerkraut
* celery
* okra
* scallions
* chicory
* onions
* sorrel
* chives
* parsley
* spinach leaves
* squash
* turnips
* tomato (fresh, canned)
* watercress

* sea bass
* crabs
* oysters (cocktail, raw, 1/2 shell)
* buffalo flounder
* clams
* frog legs
* shrimp (cooked)
* lobster
* terrapin
* cod steaks
* mussels

Fat burning foods best eaten raw
* apples
* cucumbers
* pears
* apricots
* dandelion
* peppers (red or green)
* berries
* endive
* pineapple
* cabbage
* white grapes
* plums
* carrots
* leeks
* prunes
* celery
* lettuce
* radishes
* melons
* sauerkraut
* cherries
* onions
* tomatoes
* chives
* parsley
* watercress
* citrus fruits
* peaches

Fat burning foods best eaten cooked
* asparagus
* chicory
* salsify
* beans (string or wax)
* sorrel
* beet greens
* eggplant
* spinach
* broccoli
* kale
* squash
* turnips
* carrot tops
* mushrooms
* cauliflower
* oyster plant
* celeriac
* parsnips
* chard
* pumpkin
* chervil
* rhubarb

Rest, Sleep, And Burn More Fat Fast

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In order to reap the benefits from the intense exercise I recommend to my Fat Burning Furnace students, you must get adequate rest. I can't stress this fact enough. In fact, rest is just as important, if not more important that the actual exercise. During the high intensity resistance exercise that my students perform, the muscles experience tiny injuries or tears. The body's response is to adapt and repair, getting stronger and larger muscles, which of course leads to burning more fat and a leaner body.

But this growth and repair process won't take place if the body is not allowed the time to do its job. Too often, people rush back into the gym, as many have been inundated with the "more is better" axiom when it comes to exercise. But if we don't get out of the body's way and let it do its magic, we will experience poor results. We won't burn fat like we want to, and we will just end up demotivated or possibly give up our efforts altogether.

If you don't get enough rest or sleep, you'll have a very difficult time building the fat-burning muscle that will transform your body. And you'll also have a tough time burning fat off too! That's why we can't work out too long or too often when using a sufficient intensity level. When giving the body an intense stimulus, such as proper weight training, you can't keep hammering it into the ground. If you did this, you'd quickly over train your muscles and negate your body's ability to recover from exercise. Your immune system could become so worn down in fact, that you might even get sick this happened to me a few times in the past when I wasn't paying attention to getting adequate rest and sleep.

And this repair and recover process doesn't happen overnight, it usually takes 2 days or more, So make sure to keep between 1-3 days of rest between your properly conducted resistance training workouts, or you will be short-circuiting your chances of success to burn fat and build lean, strong, muscle.

Now that we know how important rest is to burning fat and building muscle, we also must understand the most important component of rest otherwise know as sleep. Sleep is the ultimate recovery tool, and not only for recovery from exercise. It's a recovery tool from any stress you take in throughout the day. Whether it's from family pressures, work issues, or finances, etc., increased stress can be dissolved by adequate sleep. And don't think you can burn fat maximally when you're over-stressed by other things in your life. A high stress level can shut down the effectiveness of your ability to burn fat, among other things.

So make sure to get adequate sleep. What's ideal? I would recommend no less than seven or more than nine hours. In fact, seven and half hours per night might be the perfect amount! Research has shown that we sleep in cycles of 90 minutes or so. It has been suggested that if we wake up too far before or after one of these 90 minute cycles, you will probably feel groggy for a good part of the day. So try the 5 90 minutes sleep cycles, or 7 and a half hours you'll most likely wake up feeling well-rested and energized, and your fat burning furnace will show it's appreciation, allowing you to burn more fat faster.

Claim your free copy of Rob Poulos's "7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss & Fitness" at his website:

The Importance Of Antioxidants In Your Diet

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Antioxidants are very important for bodybuilding and exercise in general. They help rid your body of free radicals which are toxins that can cause cell damage. During exercise, a large number of free radicals are created, so getting rid of these is not only important for health reasons, but also for muscle recovery. As many of us may already know, an excellent source of antioxidants is fruits and vegetables. Which fruits and vegetables are a good source of antioxidants? The USDA has developed a measuring system, the oxygen radical absorbence capacity (ORAC), which can help us answer this question. The table below shows the ORAC value of selected fruits and vegetables. These values are based on 100g (or 3 1/2 ounces) of each item, which is quite high for a fruit/vegetable intake in some cases. The higher scores indicate a better source of antioxidants.
ORAC Value Fruit / Vegetable
5,770 Prunes
2,830 Raisins
2,400 Blueberries
2,036 Blackberries
1,750 Cranberries
1,540 Strawberries
1,260 Raw spinach
1,220 Raspberries
944 Plums
930 Alfalfa Sprouts
909 Steamed Spinach
908 Brussels Sprouts
890 Broccoli florets
840 Beets
750 Oranges
739 Red grapes
713 Red bell peppers
670 Cherries
602 Kiwi

The ORAC values of White Grapes, onions, corn, eggplant, cauliflower, frozen peas, white potatoes and sweet potatoes lie between 300 and 500. Cantaloupe, bananas, apples, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, apricots, peaches, yellow squash, pears and watermelon have ORAC values between 100 and 300. Note that cooking and canning fruits/vegetables reduces their antioxidizing effects; the difference between raw spinach and steamed spinach is quite large, so fresh vegetable salads are a great way to increase the amount of antioxidants in your diet.

The high ORAC values of dried fruits are caused by the fact that they're all dried up and concentrated, so they can be somewhat misleading. On a final note, you must remember that the ORAC is only a guide for antioxidants in fruits and vegetables. You must mix and match them in order to get the proper vitamins and minerals, don't just eat the high valued ones. Just use the ORAC as a guide, you don't have to take the numbers too seriously.

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