15 Tips To Help You Lose Weight

The aversion process

Brace yourself, this gets a little gross

1.) Gross yourself out! Seriously, put your wadded up napkin in the
middle of your plate, mix a little food together that doesn't
look nice, or put the handles of your silverware into the food on
your plate so you don't want to pick them up again. These things
could help turn off your appetite.

2.) Buy a fake 5lb blob of fat and put it in the fridge or
cabinet as a reminder of why you really DON"T want that snack.

3.) Put a photo of yourself at your heaviest weight on the fridge or
wherever it is that you get most of your snacks from. This will
help remind you of what you're trying to accomplish.

5 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Your bellybutton on a string

and dancing with the...mop?

4.) Anytime you can,while driving, laying down watching T.V. or even doing housework, take a deep breath and as you let it out slowly,pull your belly button as far back toward your spine as you can and hold it for a count of 20. This works the muscles that pull your belly up. (Aha! Gravity--I defy you!!)

5.) Dance while doing housework! It makes your housework get done faster, it gets your heart rate going, it works lots of muscles, and it's really fun! If you have kids, a spouse or a room mate, get them to dance their way through the housework with you and laugh at how silly you all look--It'll do everyone a lot more good than you know! Laughter helps to lift depression and also burns calories.

And now, back to our program

"Laughing Burns Calories."

6.) While watching T.V., exercise during commercial breaks. Any
exercise will do. Push-ups,Jumping Jacks, Leg Lifts, Jogging in place. Just pick something and do it through all the commercials.
By the time you've finished watching a 2 hour movie, You've done nearly an hour of exercise and didn't even have to go to a

7.) Laugh. as often, and as heartily as you can. It burns calories
and makes you healthier. Even if you're alone in the house, laugh
for no reason. Laugh when someone tells a stupid joke even if the
punch line sucks. Laugh just because you know it's helping you to
lose weight!

Free Gifts To Lose Weight

Buy healthy, eat healthy

and drink LOTS of water!

8.) Clear the kitchen and pantry of all non-healthy foods and replace
them with healthy ones. It's so much easier to NOT munch on junk
food if you don't even have it in the house.

9.) Buy only sprouted grain bread products, grass fed beef, organic
raw dairy and organic free-range eggs.These foods are much
healthier for you than their usual counterparts and will help you
to lose weight faster because of this. If you don't know where to
find these things, Google them and find the nearest place to you
to get them-- It will be well worth your time.

10.) Drink water. It has no calories, no caffeine, etc. and is
better for you than anything else you can drink, it helps to
flush the impurities from your system and it's free. Sounds like
a great deal to me!

Make your own "take out" munchies

and share your cafe lunch with a friend

11.) Carry a cooler full of healthy snacks in the car so you don't stop for fast food. You can take things like celery stalks with organic peanut butter, raw baby carrots, raw broccoli,or any raw veggie that strikes your fancy. Most fruits will travel well in a cooler too. One of my kids' favorite snacks on a hot day is frozen veggies straight out of the freezer. They choose that over popcorn nearly every time! (It is a little hard to find in movie theaters though!)

12.) Use Stevia instead of sugar or sugar substitutes. Sugar, sugar products and sugar substitutes are all bad for you no matter what the package says. Stevia is much better because it's organic,unrefined and has no chemicals in it. Agave Nectar is also very good. It comes in a container similar to honey, even looks a lot like honey. If you need a liquid sweetener, this one is great. I talked my mom into trying it and now she won't use any other sweetener.

13.) Share lunch with a friend. Order a sandwich and salad bar and split it.
I hope that you are doing well! Just wanted to tell you about this cool new video that I just watched from my new friend and respected colleague, Dr Charles. In it, he reveals a very unusual tip for a flatter belly in just 3 to 10 days. I watched it, thought it was brilliant, and figured you might find it very helpful too.
I hope that this was short and sweet enough for ya. Have an amazing day!!
. Just be careful of what is on your sandwich and don't load your salad with tons of dressing and you should be O.K. If you're not quite full enough to get back to work, munch on a few of those healthy snacks you're supposed to have in your car cooler!

Be in control of your food

and in control of yourself

14.) Use smaller plates and bowels.A single scoop of tuna salad looks
like a lot more if you put it in a dessert dish rather than a
cereal bowl, and a 6oz. grass fed steak looks quite a bit bigger
on a 10" plate than it does on a 12" plate. Also, use the salad
forks and tea spoons to eat with, you'll take smaller bites and
eat a little slower.

15.) Tighten your belt one notch before you sit down to a meal. It's
a good way to help yourself feel full a little faster.

Dangers Of Belly Fat

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