How To Lose Weight, The Secret.

Life Is Not Here For Us To Be Miserable.

I think everyone has had moments in your life, that just hit you out of no where. That feeling of, I WILL take that next step to change. I will do it! Then, you do and you move on to the next phase in your life. That is what it takes to start losing weight, is that FEELING that you WILL do it, not just a MAYBE or IF every now and then.

I would always get commented on about my weight, and wow the biggest critics were my OWN FAMILY! I bet a lot of people have that problem. The people who are supposed to be the closest to you and love you the most, are your WORST critics, and they are never nice about it either. Well, that is the problem I had anyway. My grand-mother and my mother would always comment to me about my weight. It did hurt. I think it always hurts a over-weight person when people make even the littlest comments towards you about your weight, because we already feel bad enough every time we look in the mirror, we do not need people adding on to it, especially family.

I remember looking in the mirror one day, saying "This isn't me. I feel trapped in my own body. This is not what I am about. I am not this fat blob I see here. This has to change. I will feel better about myself. It will happen and I was just crying...."


Something Amazing.

I did not even know how to start this paragraph to be honest. I had this "spark" earlier today while I was cleaning, to write a blog about my weight loss success story and how it changed my life. I know I am not the only weight loss success story, but who really shares their stories to help others? Everything I ever run into is a success story, and a high price dieting plan at the end. Well, with this blog, that is not the case. Knowledge is all you need to gain what you want, not high priced diet programs.

I was introduced to something amazing. By a wonderful woman. My future mother-in law. I am lucky to have a decent relationship with my future mother-in law, as I know some women do not. Now, she isn't the most positive woman in the world by any means, but she wanted change as well in her life. She was starting to read positivity books and try. She kept pushing this one book on me. I kept pushing away of course. I did not want to read. I just wanted to lose weight! That is all I could keep thinking to myself. "How is reading this going to make my fat disappear? Sitting here reading while I could be in the gym doing what I am supposed to be doing!"

One day, at my wits end, I took the book. Nothing else was working, I had to try something else. It was obvious what I was doing was not working. All the gym and green stuff, was not doing it, period. I was still over-weight. I was still bloated. I was insecure with my relationship, which made it even worse. I had to change.


Taking The Next Step.

So, like I said I took the book. I kept it for a couple weeks, I would look at it occasionally and keep thinking it wasn't going to help me any, and that I needed to be in the gym, not just sitting down reading. One thing I can tell you is, I WAS SO WRONG.

Life is all about balance. You can put all this effort psychically, but if you are not emotionally involved with losing weight, it will never happen. If you are thinking "THAT IS CRAZY! I REALLY WANT IT, IT IS JUST NOT HAPPENING FOR ME!" Let me tell you this, I wanted it very bad too! I wasn't that fat woman in the mirror. But my thoughts were contradicting my WANTS. My thoughts were these "I am so fat." "I am so bloated." "I will never reach my weight loss goals, baby weight is the hardest to lose" "Every woman has weight problems after pregnancy, others are just plain lucky" I got exactly what I was thinking! But, I started questioning things "How is this other woman with 5 kids only 95lbs?" "What is different with her and I?" "How come she can have all these kids, and I only have one, and I am a lot bigger then she is?" I got curious. So, I started talking to some of the females I knew who were still thin with children, and I wanted to see what the difference was and what they were doing to keep their shape, and what one had to say shocked me.

The conversation was between me and my cousin. She has always been thin, much more thin then I ever was. After her son, she still remained her thin self. Her diet in no means was the healthiest, so that could not of been the difference. I started talking to her and I asked her what she had been doing and she said "Nothing" I said "What do you mean, nothing? You have to be doing SOMETHING to keep so thin after your baby" She said "Uh, no. Do I ever?" "I said Yes, but it is different after you have a baby, it is a lot harder to lose the weight" She said "Says who? Do I look like I have a weight problem? I knew I would be skinny, I always have been." That hit me.

Even though she did not realize it, she was controlling her weight with her own thoughts. She EXPECTED to be skinny, so she was. She KNEW she was going to be thin, so she was. She NEVER thought she would be fat, because she just did not think it.

I was puzzled and shocked and a bit angry to be honest. I wanted my thin figure back, and all she had to do was THINK it. Well, YES that was it!


What I Did To Change My Life

I read that chapter again and again, and I listened. I did exactly what it said to do. The steps I took were not easy ones, but they were life changing. I am now back at my goal weight of 135, and I am content here, so I stay and I am happy with my outside appearance now, which is a huge relief. The first step I took is:

1.) I eliminated the word FAT from my mind...PERIOD! I mean it! I did not think FAT at all. If you think FAT you will get FAT. So what sense did it make to keep thinking it? Obviously what I was doing and thinking was not working, so I did the opposite! When ever I started feeling down on myself, I stayed away from the mirror, I did not even bother looking, because if I did, that word would come back to my mind again. If you find yourself in front of a mirror and feeling down, stay away! It is that simple. The word fat is NO MORE! Think THIN! THIN! THIN!

2.) I set my goal weight. I embedded it in my mind. I wanted to be a steady 135. So, that is the ONLY weight number I thought of. I did NOT think about the 200lbs I was. I only thought about 135, 135, 135! What is your goal weight? Do you have one set? If you don't, set it NOW! Write it down, over and over. Where do you want to be? What number would make YOU happy? Keep that number in your head, don't release it! That is the ONLY NUMBER IN YOUR MIND! EVER! Stay off the weight scale. I am dead serious when I say that too. STAY OFF! That number on there does not define who you are NOW! YOU are what makes YOU happy, PERIOD! Save the weight scale for when you are happy to look at it! If you are miserable looking at it, do NOT! Ever hear the saying that us humans make life more complicated then it needs to be? That implies here! Do not make yourself miserable, in any way! If doing it makes you feel down, do NOT!

3.) Do you go to the gym? Like I said above, I was. You know what I did about that? I stopped going! Now, you must think I am crazy! But, you know what? I was miserable there at that point. I felt bad about myself every time I went, because everyone else seemed to be where I wanted to be, so I left feeling worse then before I came in. That definitely was not helping me any, because I was gaining weight. Out of pure impulse during my transformation, I stopped going to that gym. I worked on my thought process, that was it. I made a decision and a promise to myself "I am going to fix my weight and feel good about myself. WHEN the time comes that I reach my goal weight and I feel better about being there, I will go back when I feel the time is right, and when I feel 100% my best."

4.)Now, there was a part above where I talked about balance. That is what I am going to talk about here. You could be excited at this point and thinking "Wow! No way! All you have to do is think your skinny, and you will be! I do not have to do anything but sit down on the couch and eat Hostess cakes and think skinny and my goal weight!" Well, I am here to burst your bubble, that is definitely NOT the case.

5.) Life is about balance like I said above. You have to PHYSICALLY and EMOTIONALLY be involved to lose weight.
I hope that you are doing well! Just wanted to tell you about this cool new video that I just watched from my new friend and respected colleague, Dr Charles. In it, he reveals a very unusual tip for a flatter belly in just 3 to 10 days. I watched it, thought it was brilliant, and figured you might find it very helpful too.
I hope that this was short and sweet enough for ya. Have an amazing day!!
. I am not saying you can just sit in your lazy boy snacking on junk food and think skinny, and the pounds are going to shed, because it just will not happen that way. Your body needs nourishment. It needs the nourishment to burn that fat and to keep you going. You still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Do not get upset, I am not saying eat greens and that is it, because you have to be happy. Maintain a diet that makes YOU happy. I still enjoyed the foods I always have, I just cut it down. I started throwing in more fruits, and less chips. I started throwing in more veggies, and less fatty foods. I stopped salting EVERYTHING I ate (Which I had a really bad habit with before) I still had salt because I just love it to be honest, but I stopped salting the foods that already had so much salt in them. I stopped drinking so much Pepsi, and started drinking more water. You do not have to cut it out completely, but balance it out. Not only can it help you maintain weight, but also your good health. You are NOTHING without your health, literally. Make the necessary changes, and you will see a huge difference.

6.) Vitamins. I can not stress this enough, how much vitamins changed my life and I will be forever grateful. It is SO important though, that you are taking the RIGHT vitamin. What do I mean by that? Well, did you know most vitamins have toxic chemicals in them? Even the children's vitamins! To learn more about vitamins and which ones you should be taking, and which ones are toxic, you may visit my blog here:

I started a multi-vitamin and this is SO important when it comes to losing weight. Your body NEEDS NEEDS NEEDS nourishment! I started taking some all natural herbs and drinking herbal teas. I was informed by a friend one day on Vitamin D. Not Vitamin C, Vitamin D! The forgotten about vitamin. Vitamin D is not promoted nearly as much by pharmaceutical companies as Vitamin C. Why you may be thinking? Because if everyone knew about Vitamin D and took the necessary daily intake every day, it would put the pharmaceutical companies out of business! But that is another topic for another time :) I started a Vitamin D supplement, and my illnesses went down 90%! I used to be sick every month it seemed. With a flu, bronchitis or a sickness of some sort. It was never ending! My immune system was weak, period. Vitamin D is the miracle immune system booster. Miracle. You may hear about Vitamin D for bones, but you never hear about the immune benefits. A highly recommended vitamin. Now, what does Vitamin D have to do with weight? Well, like I said above, your body needs NOURISHMENT to burn fat, and keep you going! Vitamins are NOURISHMENT!

7.) Now, you could be thinking "OK, all this stuff is good, but what about outside influences? People who make you feel horrible about yourselves daily? How do you tune that stuff out when you HAVE to be around these people?" Lets face it, there is no way to tune out your worst critics, especially family. If you have to live with or around these people, they are always there. No matter how much good thinking you got going on, could all be shot down in seconds by just ONE, small, negative comment by that someone. You know what I did? I turned it around. I figured " I have to deal with this, how do I deal with this in the best way I can, so I can still see results and not be affected by people's harmful words." It is called NEGATIVE MOTIVATORS! Yep! Take that negative comment, and let it FUEL YOU! Let it make you so pumped up, that you are going to SHOW THESE PEOPLE THAT THIS IS NOT YOU! YOU WILL SUCCEED AND THEY WILL NOT BRING YOU DOWN! What others say, does not define you! YOU define YOU! Period!

8.) I had to change the way I looked at food. You may be thinking "What does that even mean?" Well, when I got those urges to eat that sugary chocolate bar, I stopped thinking "WOW look how many calories, this thing is going to make me so bloated after I eat it!" If you get the urge to eat your favorite sugary snack every now and then, do not think it is going to make you fat! Do not worry about the calories in it. Just enjoy it and don't think about the consequences after. We are here to enjoy things, not be miserable! What is the point of living if you can not taste the greatness of all the different foods this world has to offer us? Just do not go too over-board! Remember, nutrition is very important.


The Outcome.

It took me almost a year to lose the 70+ pounds I wanted to lose. May seem like a long time to you, and it sure felt like it for me. Now, if you are un-like myself and how I was, and you are able to step into that gym with confidence still being over-weight, then by all means DO IT! It sure can not hurt, and could speed things up greatly! But, if you are like how I used to be and how some other women are, and you feel down being in that gym, then just do not do it. Do not hurt yourself in the process. I went for walks and jogs in nature, by myself, or with someone who made me feel good about myself. Be sure to keep a healthy exercise routine in your life, what makes YOU comfortable and happy. If you have to do it in your living room with some exercise DVDs, then do it! Yes, it may take longer for it to happen, but it will happen when the time is right, and you are ready. I am now at my goal weight of 135 and have been here for a few years now. I no longer have those confidence issues. No weight fluctuating, No problems. Just happy. Just being.

BEFORE MY TRANSFORMATION (I did not post a full body photo, as I prefer not to have to look at what used to make me miserable. I think the bloated face shows enough evidence :) But, I wanted to show everyone how I changed my life.:




Some Extra Notes.

I just wanted to throw in a few things that helps me through out every day, to help me maintain my weight. Because trust me, as fast as you lose the weight, it can come right back again! That is why it is SO important to keep your thoughts balanced, and after awhile, it becomes a habit.

1.) Eliminate the word FAT from your mind and mouth!

2.) Stay off the weight scale till you are happy to look at it!

3.) Maintain a healthy lifestyle! You do not have to cut out everything, but balance is the key. Change the way you look at food!

4.) Believe!

5.) Do what makes YOU happy! :)


Change Your Health Habits, Today.

Where To Find Amazing Organic & All Natural Products?

Like I said in my blog, it's all about balance. You have to have the proper nutrition you need, to reach your goal weight/body. If you are wanting to change the way you feel about yourself, then you must think about your health. Your health is the most IMPORTANT thing! Without it, you do not exist. Be the YOU you were meant to be. The true you. You do not want to realize how important your health is, when it is already gone. Be sure to check out my website, and let me know if I can help you in anyway!
Amazing Organic & All Natural Products. Plus Inspiration, News & MORE!
If you do not find the products you are in need of, you may contact me at Email: I will find it for you. :)

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