Walking to Lose Weight and Gain Health

Tell us what's on your mind about walking to lose weight.

Do you think you Ought to Take Up Walking?

Yep - I surely need to becuase...

Nope - I already get a lot of excercise I do.....

Keith Holland says:

Walking is great exercise and everyone should do it.

I hope that you are doing well! Just wanted to tell you about this cool new video that I just watched from my new friend and respected colleague, Dr Charles. In it, he reveals a very unusual tip for a flatter belly in just 3 to 10 days. I watched it, thought it was brilliant, and figured you might find it very helpful too.
I hope that this was short and sweet enough for ya. Have an amazing day!!
. If your looking to get into better shape you should hire an in home personal trainer. www.inhomepersonaltrainers.net has a wide array of personal trainers that can help!

adventuretravelshop says:

That's good to hear. In Italy there's a walking tradition. Everybody - and I mean everybody walks after their evening meal. They get dressed in their trendy clothes, and walk up and down the squares and beautiful medieval streets, or promenades. There's a word for this 'passegiata' - which means strolling. The shop windows in Venice, Rome and other amazing cities, are beautifully dressed and lit up to delight the people walking by.That's when most ice cream gets sold. This stops in the winter, but starts up again in spring.

MiamiDentist305 says:

I already walk everywhere. It's great. I particularly enjoy a nice 15 minute walk after a big meal. Nothing feels better!

adventuretravelshop says:

That's true about the stairs. Sometime, when the weather is bad and I don't go out for a walk, I run up and down the stairs till I feel puffed out. That really does get your heart racing I can tell you!! Thanks for your comment Allison.

Allison_Whitehead says:

I already walk pretty much every day, plus as we live in an old house (200 yrs old) we have very steep stairs that are good for the leg muscles!

Brisk walking to lose weight and gain health


It's Not Good to be Overweight!

I am sure we are all sick to the teeth about being told how overweight we all are, and how dangerous obesity is, and how you don't have to be very over weight for it to have a negative impact on your health. Well that's all true. But we're not going to say any more about it. If you want to read more then the links are below. They do not make comfortable reading, but if you need convincing any of these links will do just fine!

Interesting Articles

I will add to this list as I find more articles, if you can recommend any please do leave a link in the comment space below. Thank you. comment.
Important Facts About Being Overweight
Read this if you need to be convinced that being overweight is not a good thing for your health.
British Medical Journal
This article is quite heavy -but it has many very interesting findings if you're looking for evidence that walking helps improve fitness.
The Importance of Walking on PUblic Health
Yet more evidence!
Why Walking is Good for Wieght Loss
It does work.
Tips and Strategies
Walking for weight loss.
Walking Shoes Guide
How to Choose the Bets Walking Shoe for you.
New Balance Walking Shoes
A lens all about these great shoes.
Rise Up Against Sitting Desease
An article that talks about the harm living a sedentary life style.

Green Juice May Help you Lose Weight

Some People Are Lucky

They can walk in Beautiful Places


20 Minutes Play Time!

When my child was only 4 years old he started a nursery group in London. It was a state school and part of the UK's national curriculum, so they followed government guidelines.

The children's day stated at 9 am and they worked on developing literacy and numeracy skills till 10.30. They then were allowed out into a green field with toys like bikes, and climbing frames etc - for just 20 minutes!

After which they were put back into a classroom where they got on with activities to develop their reading an writing skills till 12.30. Lunchtime was no better, just 50 minutes, but most of that was taken up with eating. In the afternoon they had a sleep!!

Apart from the sleep, that routine continues right up into secondary school where they get 20 minute breaks in the mornings, and none in the afternoons! They wonder why our children are unfit and 'lazy'!

I could go on and on about this it's obvious to me that active play in the fresh air is an essential part of a child's development. It is at this early age that they learn to love to be active and develop routines that they will take with them into their adult lives.

I am a teacher - I have never understood why we cage our kids in - do you know why?


Walking for Happiness!


Walking Programme Tips

If you are going to start a regular walking routine that you are going to keep up then you have to do a bit of planning ahead. When will you walk? Who will you walk with? Where will you walk? What will you wear? What will you take with you? What will you do after your walk?

These are things that will iron themselves out with time, but it's wise to think about them before you start. Inviting someone to walk with you will make sure you are more committed, but it may mean that if that person quits you will too.

You have to learn to love the outdoors, no matter what the weather holds, otherwise the first sign of rain or wind will put you off going out.

For the first 2 weeks you should aim to stride. While you are walking you should be a little out of breath - you'll be able to talk but breathlessly.

Walk for 10 minutes slots, 3 to 4 times each week. In the second week add another couple of minutes to each walk.

The aim for these two weeks is to walk from 20 to 30 minutes each time - getting a little faster. By the end of the month you should have added an extra day's walk.

This is how to maintain your posture:
Stand up straight
Keep you shoulders backs
Keep your abdominal tight
Keep you chin parallel to the ground
Use your arms like pistons -that will make you walk faster. Bent arms at the elbows.

Regualr Vigorous Walking is Best

One of the best things about taking up walking as daily exercise is that is doesn't cost anything at all because all you really need is a decent pair of walking shoes.

And remember fancy labels don't mean the shoe is going to give you support. There are plenty of really good walking trainers on the market that have not got an expensive brand name attached. However, you have to know how to spot a good shoe, so check out my other lens,which will teach you how to tell a good pair form one that will not give you the support you'll need.

You need to start a regular walking routine to improve you health overall.

The American Heart Association says:

You gain two hours of life expectancy for every hour of vigorous exercise you do.

Also if you keep up a good pace you could burn over 100 calories for every half hour you put in.

This is good for your legs but...

there's nothing like being in the fresh air!

It may be just me, but I think this sort of walking has something missing - being out and close to the elements and nature. Did you know that you should look into open spaces, distant views, ideally green, everyday, to stave off the ill effects of computer screens. It read that somewhere - but to be honest I don't know where. I make sure my son is out in the open every day - just in case!


Don't Walk into Danger

Although it is not common, you can get attacked especially during the winter months when it's dark and places like public parks are less busy. It's a shame to have to include this in what is otherwise a very positive page, but I do think we should all to be sure that we are not putting ourselves at risk.

If you're thinking about taking up walking, then you must think carefully about where you walk, especially if you're going to be by yourself.

This applies to men as well as women, by the way.

It would be ideal to join a walking club or arrange to go with friends. This will also be very good to keep yourself motivated. But it won't always be possible.

So, if you have no choice, make sure you plan your walk, go on well-lit paths and try to stay where there are people. It is not wise to be isolated. The idea really is that you should be able to see anyone who is approaching. This is not possible in a wood for example, and although a wooded area is a beautiful place to walk, you would be ill advised to do so on your own.

If you're walking by traffic, make sure you walk facing the oncoming cars, this avoids people stopping or kerb crawlers bothering you while you walk.

It is very wise to change the route you take every so often so people don't get used to seeing you in the same place everyday.

Make sure you have the energy to run the distance it may take in order to get to help. Don't walk for miles off the beaten track.

You can buy a personal alarm and use it if you feel that you want to attract attention or even call for help. You should also have your phone with you, but out of sight of course!

It is wise not to wear headphones, because you will be less aware of your surroundings, and you won't be able to hear if someone is unusually close to you.

Also, if you suspect that something is wrong then it is! Just get out of there as quickly as possible.


Everybody Walk App

This will help you so much!

Everybody Walk App: This app is for your mobile phone and you use it as you go. It keeps you moving to a walking plan which is personalized for you. It will help you find people in you area who walk and has fitness videos and many tips.

Free at Apple iTunes store and Android Marketplace

  • Walking for Fitness - Weight Loss - Exercise


    Complete guide to how to walk for fitness, weight loss and recreation. Where to walk, what shoes and gear to wear, how to find walking clubs and how to train for ...

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